composer – pianist

 Nikolaus Schapfl

Nikolaus Schapfl - Stimmungen
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Pressetexte von Nikolaus Schapfl
Presse von Nikolaus Schapfl press 
  Interview with Ms. Meagan Sparks - USA - April 2019 in English  
    auf Deutsch  
  Interview with Michael Atzinger    
    29. Februar 2004
Bayern 4 Klassik
    listen to the interview  
(in German)
  film impressions    
    about the performance in the Philharmony of Cologne,
September 15th, 2004. The composer introduces some of the musical themes at
the piano and gives an interview to Délphine Lacroix.
musical themes at the piano 
Interview Cologne 2004 
  German Television - Bavarian Television BR • March 1st, 2004    
  Featuring the performance  of the opera The Little Prince    
  in the Munich Philharmony Im Gasteig    
  interview of the composer by Delphine Lacroix    
    "Le Petit Prince" SOGEX,
Paris, at the occasion of the Cologne performance, September 15th, 2004
    watch the film  
  interview and film report about the scenic premiere of the opera    
  "The Little Prince" at the State Theatre Karlsruhe-Baden
watch the film   
  by France3-télévision, March 25th, 2006    
  Radio interview in Moscow, November 19th, 2009 , with Alexej Parin    
  critic and author (Bolshoi Theatre) , in Russian/German    

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to listen on the radio´s website  
  Composer's portrait Nikolaus Schapfl    
  at the occasion of the Int. Summer Academy Mozarteum - 23 Aug. 2010    
  Mozart Residence - Salzburg    
   Video - Duration 1h4'  (in German)    
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